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Non-Graded System

Instruction at CCS and the work children do is based on the Ends Policies set out for us by the Governing Council. The accomplishment of these Ends requires success in a large number of projects and lessons over many years. Our students also learn a sense of inner drive and self-evaluation throughout their time at CCS. The practice of giving students grades would disarm the development of the process. The teacher’s role is to help students learn how to know when things are completed, how to judge the quality of their work, and to validate when student self-assessment is accurate.



What are "Ends"?


The "Ends" refer to the end results of learning at CCS. They are the educational standards that drive programming, curriculum, and development.


At CCS, we still do give feedback and use a number of evaluation methods to help students and parents to understand how they are doing in school. We participate in school-wide annual standardized tests, including:


CMAS (Colorado Measures of Academic Success)
SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) a College Entrance Exam

PSAT (Preliminary SAT)

NWEA (The Northwest Evaluation Association)
DIBELS and Istation Reading Assessments grades K-3



At the beginning of the school year, following an initial assessment period of approximately 5-6 weeks, students, parents, and teachers will meet to map an Individual Learning Plan for each student. The plan will include specific academic goals based on previously acquired test data, or if this is not available for a new student entering the program, the initial five-week in-class assessment period will allow the teacher the chance to conduct assessments and help guide the student towards significant, achievable goals for the remainder of the semester.

In-class tests, projects, and student work will develop a body of evidence that supports student achievement towards their specific goals. If a student is not making progress towards goals in their learning plan, teachers will change the learning plan in consultation with the student.


At the end of each semester, teachers will discuss with parents and students at their conference, the progress the student is making toward the accomplishment of his/her goals, and refine the Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) for the next semester. A written record of this conference is made and kept in the student’s records. These written records constitute a student’s enhanced transcript which is routinely accepted by other schools and by colleges.


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