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Gifted Education

Gifted Education at CCS



Identification of gifted students at the Moffat Schools is done using the Multi-Tier Support System (MTSS) process.  In this team approach, students, parents, and school personnel supply information about the student and his or her needs.   Click here for the Moffat School District policy.


In grades K-12, screening for the gifted program may begin with high achievement scores, teacher, or parent recommendations. Observations are made of the student's performance on higher level thinking tasks as part of a talent pool.  When further evidence is required students then receive a more extensive evaluation.  A body of evidence about the students’ performance is gathered.  This includes:


  1. Behaviors/Characteristics checklists from teachers and parents

  2. Achievement Test Scores

  3. Demonstrated Performances – juried exhibits, auditions, portfolios

  4. Ability Testing Score


Once the evidence is collected it is reviewed by the MTSS Team. This team is comprised of the counselor, teachers at the appropriate level, an administrator, the gifted education coordinator, sometimes the school psychologist and parents.  The evidence is reviewed to see if the student displays a need for gifted programming as part of his or her educational plan. To exhibit this need the student will show strong evidence in three of the following four categories:


  • GES-3 behavioral checklist  - 95th percentile or above

  • achievement test scores of 95th percentile or above

  • high rankings on demonstrated performance assessments

  • scores of 95th percentile or above on cognitive ability testing


The process Moffat Schools follows is the identification process determined by the San Luis Valley Board of Cooperative Services (BOCES), following recommendations from the Colorado Department of Education.  


An identification inventory form is completed on each student who is screened for gifted education. If the student is identified as gifted, an Advanced Learning Plan (ALP) is created with parents, educational personnel, and the student, if age appropriate.  The ALP describes academic and affective goals for the next year.  The ALP specifies which instructional strategies will be used and who is responsible for carrying them out.  Parental involvement is also described in the ALP.  Parents receive a copy of the ALP and the gifted education coordinator keeps a signed hard copy of the plan.


If the student is not identified as gifted, his or her strengths are communicated to teachers where they are used for appropriate classroom instructional planning.


Records for students who transfer into Moffat Schools are reviewed for evidence of giftedness.  If the student’s body of evidence is complete and meets the criteria for identification an ALP is written.  If the body of evidence is not complete, the gifted coordinator gathers the needed pieces of information and the MTSS team reviews the information for potential identification.


Gifted Programming at CCS

ALPs can provide a variety of programming structures for students. Students may pursue their academic and affective goals both within and outside the classroom. In the past, students have done independent research, small-group projects, or pursued an extracurricular interest. 


Some examples include:

-Coding and programming a new website

-Creating a podcast

-Completing in-depth research of content learned in the classroom

-Practicing math using real-world, complex problems

-Leatherworking and sewing

-Digital art

-Career readiness

-Advanced classes or college credit classes at ASU


The Gifted Education Coordinator will work with you and your student to create a goal, find resources (classroom, mentors, online, etc), and work on the goal throughout the year. Some goals are pursued over multiple years of study, and some are completed in a single semester. Goals are reviewed at the beginning, middle, and end of the school year.


Resources for Families

There are a multitude of resources available for teachers, students, and families on the SLV BOCES website. Here are a few meant specifically for families:


1. Hoagies

2. National Association for Gifted (NAGC)

3. Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG)

4. Gifted Development Center


The Gifted Education Coordinator

Dear Families,


This is my first year as the CCS Gifted Education Coordinator. I am so excited to work with these students to help them pursue their passions and delve deeper into their schooling. I was a gifted student myself and know the importance of resources, support, and challenges for these students. My aim is to tailor each student’s goals to their needs, desires, and future plans to make the most out of their time at CCS.


I started as the School Psychologist at CCS in 2022, in addition to being the Gifted Education Coordinator. I am available during school hours and by appointment after school. If you have any questions or would like to look into identification, please email me at I look forward to working with you and your child!


-Melissa Sladin


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